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本篇内容介绍了“怎么获取MSSQL 表结构中字段的备注、主键等信息”的有关知识,在实际案例的操作过程中,不少人都会遇到这样的困境,接下来就让小编带领大家学习一下如何处理这些情况吧!希望大家仔细阅读,能够学有所成!


1、MSSQL2000复制代码 代码如下: SELECT 表名 = case when a.colorder=1 then d.name else '' end, 表说明 = case when a.colorder=1 then isnull(f.value,'') else '' end, 字段序号 = a.colorder, 字段名 = a.name, 标识 = case when COLUMNPROPERTY( a.id,a.name,'IsIdentity')=1 then '√'else '' end, 主键 = case when exists(SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects where xtype='PK' and parent_obj=a.id and name in ( SELECT name FROM sysindexes WHERE indid in( SELECT indid FROM sysindexkeys WHERE id = a.id AND colid=a.colid))) then '√' else '' end, 类型 = b.name, 占用字节数 = a.length, 长度 = COLUMNPROPERTY(a.id,a.name,'PRECISION'), 小数位数 = isnull(COLUMNPROPERTY(a.id,a.name,'Scale'),0), 允许空 = case when a.isnullable=1 then '√'else '' end, 默认值 = isnull(e.text,''), 字段说明 = isnull(g.[value],'') FROM syscolumns a left join systypes b on a.xusertype=b.xusertype inner join sysobjects d on a.id=d.id and d.xtype='U' and d.name<>'dtproperties' left join syscomments e on a.cdefault=e.id left join sysproperties g on a.id=g.id and a.colid=g.smallid left join sysproperties f on d.id=f.id and f.smallid=0 where d.name='FI_dept' --如果只查询指定表,加上此条件 order by a.id,a.colorder

2、MSSQL2005 use test--数据库 go --2005实现字段属性统计(2000里的系统表sysproperties描述表、字段不存在,2005里用sys.extended_properties视图替代) select [表名]=c.Name, [表说明]=isnull(f.[value],''), [列名]=a.Name, [列序号]=a.Column_id, [标识]=case when is_identity=1 then '√' else '' end, [主键]=case when exists(select 1 from sys.objects where parent_object_id=a.object_id and type=N'PK' and name in (select Name from sys.indexes where index_id in (select indid from sysindexkeys where and colid=a.column_id))) then '√' else '' end, [类型]=b.Name, [字节数]=case when a.[max_length]=-1 and b.Name!='xml' then 'max/2G' when b.Name='xml' then ' 2^31-1字节/2G' else rtrim(a.[max_length]) end, [长度]=ColumnProperty(a.object_id,a.Name,'Precision'), [小数]=isnull(ColumnProperty(a.object_id,a.Name,'Scale'),0), [是否為空]=case when a.is_nullable=1 then '√' else '' end, [列说明]=isnull(e.[value],''), [默认值]=isnull(d.text,'') from sys.columns a left join sys.types b on a.user_type_id=b.user_type_id inner join sys.objects c on a.object_id=c.object_id and c.Type='U' left join syscomments d on a.default_object_id=d.ID left join sys.extended_properties e on e.major_id=c.object_id and e.minor_id=a.Column_id and e.class=1 left join sys.extended_properties f on f.major_id=c.object_id and f.minor_id=0 and f.class=1 [/code] 

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