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senior ios developer什么意思

senior ios developer




Cisco的网际操作系统(IOS)是一个为网际互连优化的操作系统--类似一个局域操作系统(NOS)、如Novell的 NetWare,为LANs而进行优化。IOS为长时间有效地维护一个互联网络提供了统一的规则。简而言之,它是一个与硬件分离的软件体系结构,随网络技术的不断发展,可动态地升级以适应不断变化的技术(硬件和软件)。


1.senior 英[ˈsi:niə(r)] 美[ˈsinjɚ]

adj. 资深的; (级别、地位等) 较高的; 年长的; 美最高年级的;

n. 上级; 美毕业班学生; 较年长者; 地位较高的,资历较深的;

[网络] 大四学生; 高等; 资深;

[例句]Television and radio needed many more women in senior jobs.


[其他] 复数:seniors


developer 英[dɪˈveləpə(r)] 美[dɪˈveləpər]

n. 开发者; 摄显影剂,显像剂;

[网络] 开发人员; 开发版; 显影机;

[例句]John Bardeen was also co-developer of the theory of superconductivity.


[其他] 复数:developers 形近词: developed



1、iOS平台开发语言为Objective-C,开发者一般使用苹果公司开发的ios sdk 搭建开发环境, iOS SDK是开发iPhone和iPad 应用程序过程中必不可少的软件开发包,提供了从创建程序,到编译,调试,运行,测试等一些列开发过程中所需要的工具;

2、安卓 Android开发语言为java,开发者一般是用谷歌公司开发的android sdk搭建开发环境,使用Java进行安卓应用的开发;

3、微软Windows phone7开发语言是C#;





iOS (originally iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. and distributed exclusively for Apple hardware. It is the operating system that presently powers many of the company's mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Originally unveiled in 2007 for the iPhone, it has been extended to support other Apple devices such as theiPod Touch (September 2007), iPad (January 2010), iPad Mini (November 2012) and second-generation Apple TVonward (September 2010). As of January 2015, Apple's App Store contained more than 1.4 million iOS applications, 725,000 of which are native for iPad.

These mobile apps have collectively been downloaded more than 75 billion times.[9] It had a 21% share of the smartphone mobile operating system units shipped in the fourth quarter of 2012, behind Google's Android.[10] By the middle of 2012, there were 410 million devices activated.[11] At WWDC 2014, Tim Cook said 800 million devices had been sold by June 2014.[12] During Apple's quarterly earnings call in January 27, 2015, Apple announced that they have now sold one billion iOS devices.

The user interface of iOS is based on the concept of direct manipulation, using multi-touch gestures. Interface control elements consist of sliders, switches, and buttons. Interaction with the OS includes gestures such as swipe, tap, pinch, and reverse pinch, all of which have specific definitions within the context of the iOS operating system and its multi-touch interface. Internal accelerometers are used by some applications to respond to shaking the device (one common result is the undo command) or rotating it inthree dimensions (one common result is switching from portrait to landscape mode).

iOS shares with OS X some frameworks such as Core Foundation and Foundation; however, its UI toolkit isCocoa Touch rather than OS X's Cocoa, so that it provides the UIKit framework rather than the AppKitframework. It is therefore not compatible with OS X for applications. Also while iOS also shares the Darwinfoundation with OS X, Unix-like shell access is not available for users and restricted for apps, making iOS not fully Unix-compatible either.

Major versions of iOS are released annually. The current release, iOS 8.3, was released on April 8, 2015. In iOS, there are four abstraction layers: the Core OS layer, the Core Services layer, the Media layer, and the Cocoa Touch layer. The current version of the operating system (iOS 8.0), dedicates 1.3 - 1.5GB of the device's flash memory for the system partition, using roughly 800 MB of that partition (varying by model) for iOS itself.[14][15] It runs on the iPhone 4S and later, iPad 2 and later, all models of the iPad Mini, and the 5th-generation iPod Touch.

iOS 开发怎么入门

如果你入门了iOS开发并且有一定的英文功底,我是非常推荐你去看的,尤其官方文档,应该经常翻阅。但是我认为保持学习的热情是最重要的。本着这个理念,我推荐的学习方法难度非常低,希望你们能满意。 第一阶段: RayWenderlich网站中的 The iOS Apprentice教程 这个教程截止目前已经不更新OC语言的版本了,但是如果你是抱着求职为目的的学习还是请看OC版本的(两年前的版本)。The iOS Apprentice的教程针对完全没有编程经验的人设计。这个教程是外国人写的并且有免费试读版,感兴趣的人要看看。里面说的东西都非常非常基本,里面一个共讲解了4个不同类型app,强烈建议一步一步按照上面所写的步骤敲一遍代码。其中你会遇到很多复杂的语句和长的可怕的函数,你不用感到恐慌,照着敲,知道它干嘛用完全OK了,随着你编程时间以及经验的增加,你都会懂得。。如果看完了这个免费的教程觉得还挺想继续学的请参王寒老师也做了swift版本的The iOS Apprentice教程翻译,自己去找)

第二阶段:培训班的网络课程及入门书籍 经过第一个阶段你应该已经大致掌握IOS开发流程,能编写一个非常简单的应用了。这时候相信你的热情应该会很高涨,但接下来的学习可能会很枯燥,做好准备


iOS 开发的中英文入门推荐书籍都有哪些

1.Sams Teach Yourself iOS 5 Application Development in 24 Hours


这本书的缺点只有一个:对于OC语言的介绍不够充分。如果之前没有接触过程序设计语言可能有点儿麻烦。但是对于有编程基础的人来说不是问题。如果遇到语言问题,可以和《Learn Objective-C on the Mac》一起看。(见下介绍)

2.Learn Objective-C On The Mac 2nd Edition

我忘记了我看的1st Edition还是2nd Edition了。不过OC变化不大,没有影响。这是介绍OC语法的书。建议边学ios开发边看。我不建议一下子只扎进oc中,而弃ios sdk不顾。

3.Beginning IOS 5 Development

Beginning iOS 6 Development : Exploring the iOS SDK

我当时看的是ios5版本。事实上,我一上来就看这本书,后来发现这本根本不适合入门!因为在ios5的时代,这本书介绍的方法依然是ios4的(比如不用storyboard)!我有很多朋友都企图用这本书入门,但最后都失败了。但是我依旧建议看完《Sam》后看看这本书。因为介绍了很多更细节的东西,而且也很有用(比如用代码控制界面、控制界面的转移、包括Core Data,Media相关的一些高级内容等)!在入门的基础上看完这本书,对ios开的理解能上一个层次。

4.Pro iOS Table Views : for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch


5.Beginning iPad Development for iPhone Developers


ios graphics capabilities的书!这本书会带你完成一个简单的绘图app,之后你基本能够熟练地使用ios的graphics相关功能了。(注:和Quatrz;Cocoa;OpenGL ES的Graphics不是一回事儿。)

6.Programming iOS 5 : Fundamentals of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Development

Programming iOS 6


7.Pro Multithreading and Memory Management for iOS and OS X : with ARC, Grand Central Dispatch, and Blocks这是关于ios多线程和内存管理的入门书籍。这部分内容比较深,其实普通开发者可以不完全理解这些机制了。尤其是ios5有了ARC之后。我基本翻完了这本书,但是对于其中的一些东西理解的不透彻(尤其是Multithread部分)。不完全推荐,但感兴趣的同学可以看看。

8.Beginning iOS Game Development







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